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发布时间:2023-11-12 06:49:42源自:http://www.hezenews.net作者:雨晴句子阅读(119)

1、I'd rather excessive is short, don't want to see you. 我宁滥勿缺,不想再看你表演

2、Pain is a part of growth. ——疼

3、Adversity does teach who your real friend

4、If you don’t fight for what you want, don’t cry for what you lose. 如果你想要却不去拼搏,那么失去了你就别哭泣。

5、Life is too short Everyone should cherish years. 人生太短 要珍惜岁月里的每个人

6、Even broke hearts, heart is the man, and that is love. 就算伤透了心,心里还是那人,这便是爱情。

7、The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar. 未来会让人心生畏惧,但是我们却不能因为习惯了过去,就逃回过去。

8、A person quiet a person cry movie clips, the whole world is sad. 一个人安静一个人哭泣散场电影,全世界伤心。

9、I don't work hard, how to proved how blind your eyes. 我不努力,怎么证明当初你的眼睛有多瞎。

10、你是我的整个世界 You are my whole world

11、I need to love

12、Be thankful for your past relationships, someone better suited to you is waiting out there. 感谢你逝去的恋情,因为更合适的人正


14、I will greet this day with love in my heart. 我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。

15、As long as no death simply fortunately. 只要没死就还好。

16、You left in peace, and left me in pieces. 你安然离去,我碎了一地。

17、Beauty is to fight for rather than to wait for. 只有拼出来的美丽,没有等出来的辉煌。

18、The hour glass remembered, we forget time. 沙漏记得,我们遗忘的时光。

19、If in the heart will feel sad, then please smile to let go. 如果放在心里会觉得难过,那么就请微笑。

20、Those troubles, always linger. (那些烦恼,永远挥之不去)

21、I will always love you.[我将会永远爱你]。

22、I am in the grip of madness。 我如痴如狂。

23、Life is too short to meet the people you like. 一生太短暂,遇到喜欢的人就要认真喜欢。

24、Time flows slowly, the story grows slowly. 时光缓缓流淌,故事慢慢变长。

25、I‘m stuck between trying to live my life, and trying to run from it. 陷在努力生活和逃避生活之间,动弹不得。

26、Feeble story, just making excuses 苍白无力的述说,只是在狡辩而已。

27、Can your self-esteem and my stubborn reconciliation. 你的自尊能和我的倔强和好如初吗。

28、Wealth is best known by want. 人穷方知钱可贵

29、Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening amongthe silent trees.忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮色降临在寂静的山林中。

30、Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment; not only about survival 生活是一串串的快乐时光;我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存。

31、What time did you let me into your heart. 你什么时候才能让我进入你的心。

32、I don’t really know where I’m going, but I hope I go far. 我不太肯定我的方向,但是我希望自己能走的远一点。

33、Most want is you, the most do not want to bother is also you. 最想的是你,最不想打扰的也是你。

34、Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen every day. 不离不弃,每天都有奇迹。

35、The world is too dark, I am really tired

36、Love songs so much. Why only I am sad. 情歌那么多只有心酸适合我。

37、Happiness is time precipitation,smile is the lonely sad. 幸福是年华的沉淀,微笑是寂寞的悲伤。

38、Do not compromise your dreams! 不要向你的梦想妥协!

39、I can't even quit smoking, but I want to quit you, ridiculous.我连烟都戒不掉,竟妄想忘掉你,可笑。

40、Can you feel my world Zxx 一个拥抱足以相偎相依。

41、Life is better than you think. 生活比你想象的要好。

42、I trust the people who teach me not to trust anyone. 我最信任的人 教会了我 不要相信任何人. Ce n'est pas jamais, jamais oublier que, une fois. 到不了的就是永远, 忘不了的就是曾经。

43、We read the world wrong a

44、我记得曾经的你是爱我的。——I remember you used to love me

45、If you love somebody, don't let them slip away. 若爱一个人 就别让他从你身边溜走。

46、If you can get happiness in this lifetime, who may displaced. 此生若能得幸福安稳,谁又愿颠沛流。

47、The rest of your life is still long. 余生还长,幸识,以后请多关照。

48、Those who are sweet bubble love, more heartache, more can't from pull out. 那些被甜蜜泡过的爱,愈发心痛,愈发无法自拔。

49、Pain without words is a kind of wisdom, smiling without a word is an open-minded. 痛而不言是一种智慧,笑而不语是一种豁达。

50、Not the heart will not hurt me and forced me to remember. 不掏心就不会痛了 我强迫我记得。

51、Say too much as silence think too much I will be sad. 【vs】 说太多不如沉默

52、The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost. 珍爱一切的好办法是:意识到你可能会失去它。

53、That way the dark will eventually own walk. 最漆黑的那段路,最终要自己走完。

54、you and her profound feelings. 你和她相濡以沫。

55、Life without a friend is wasted. 没有友谊的滋润灌溉,生命只是一种浪费。

56、Life is not forever, cherish now. 人生没有永远,好好珍惜现在。

57、We are left alone between the love。 我们之间单纯的只剩下了爱情。

58、L go my own way {走自己的路}

59、I didn't cry because it is over, but suddenly learned to miss it. 我没有哭泣啊,只是突然学会了思念而已。

60、How many dream had, and never came into my heart. 多少梦幻的曾经,也不曾走进我的心。

61、I am not greed but I envy 我没有贪婪但我羡慕海枯石烂。

62、To live is to function. That is all there is in living. 活着就要发挥作用,这就是生活的全部内容。

63、A true love is what doesn‘t strive for busyness, for extravagance, for luxury, and moreover for hokum. 真正的爱情是不讲究热闹不讲究排场不讲究繁华更不讲究嚎头的。

64、There is a stare look on with a disregard called called silent care. 有一种凝望叫作冷眼旁观,有一种无视叫作默默关怀。

65、Ifyourememberme,thenIdon'tcareifeveryoneelseforgets. 只要你记得我,我不介意整个世界都把我遗忘了。

66、think you know everything so do not say the pain. 以为你都懂,所以不说痛。

67、Keep long hair love red eyes through love. 留过长发爱过烂人红过眼睛看透爱情。


69、Every effort is only for the future.万般努力只为以后能够出人头地

70、People care about you!Keep being yous

71、Time never speaks but answers allquestions.时间从来不语,却回答了所有问题

72、Enriching oneself is more powerful than pleasing others. 丰富自己比取悦他人更有力量。

73、Future time, will have my shoulder. 未来的时光,有我的肩膀。

74、I have a stubborn will be siring. 我有多倔强就有多坚强。

75、Passionate love is a quenchless thirst. 热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望

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