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发布时间:2024-02-04 03:03:58源自:http://www.hezenews.net作者:雨晴句子阅读(147)

1、Nevermind,I will find someone like you.没关系,我会

2、There is only one me in this world 在

3、Does not belong to me,I wil let go. 不属于我的,我会放手。

4、I use memories under an end to end the iron between us the story.我用回忆烫下一个句号来结束我们之间

5、In a way this is a little confused inevitably put who live up to. 这一路走来难免有些糊涂难免会把谁辜负。

6、Don't give up when you are able to fly,to dream and to love. 当你能飞的时候就不要放弃飞。当你能梦的时候就不要放弃梦。当你能爱的时候就不要放弃爱。

7、Promises are often like the dust 承诺像尘埃

8、There is no royal road to learning. 求知无坦途。

9、All i need is you needing me.——所有我需要的是你需要我

10、The world is wide and lonely. 世界很宽,孤独很满。

11、Let me make you whole life youth. 愿我许你一生青涩年华。

12、Distance is not terrible, terrible is farther and farther. 距离并不可怕,可怕的是心越来越远

13、A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 只有当遗憾取代了梦想,人才会变老。

14、Hold my hand,you won't get lost even with eyes closed. 握住我的手,即使你闭上眼睛也不会迷路。

15、May have time to look back, and with a loving all bald

16、I'll give you. The last love is letting go. 我给你。最后旳疼爱是手放开。

17、The earth revolves it again a few weeks, but did not meet you again. 地球它又公转几周了,却也没再遇见你。

18、I can't keep you, so I'll turn around and leave. 我留不住你,所以我会转身离去。

19、We are too young to talk about forever. (我们太年轻,谈不起永远)

20、May everyone who has parted ways live to the fullest. 愿每一个分道扬镳的人都能活的尽兴。


22、Far away, and finally disappeared in the vast sea. 渐行渐远,最后消失在茫茫人海中。

23、Finding the right person is the best luxury. 找到一个对的人,是给自己最好的奢侈品。

24、Every one you hate now, there's a lack of effort. 每一个你讨厌的现在,都有一个不够努力的曾经。


26、You make me a wedding. 你许我一场婚礼。

27、i need you i love you i can say goodbey

28、I don't think we can do that

29、I have never met a strong person with an easy past. 每一个坚强的人,都有一段艰难的过往。

30、Love should be like wine. The longer you keep it, the stronger it will taste . 真正的爱情

31、m fine thanks for not asking. 我很好 谢谢你的忽略

32、Laugh eyes and lie face. 会笑的眼和说谎的脸。

33、Since you left crushing the dream with, then I choose in perishing in addition. 既然你用离开粉碎这场梦,那么我选择在沉沦中腐生。

34、He once was a true love of mine. 他曾是我的真爱

35、Lopsided, and eventually became seen. 渐行渐远,终成不见。

36、Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality. 无论什么,凭直觉去相信,都会成真。

37、I‘m stuck between trying to live my life, and trying to run from it. 陷在努力生活和逃避生活之间,动弹不得。

38、I love you is always a secret. 我爱你 一直都是个秘密。

39、We all be happy, regardless of each other is happiness.我们都要幸福,不分彼此的幸福。

40、Maybe you shouldn't give me hope. 或许你当初就不该给我希望。

41、I hav

42、the ugly always make more troubles(丑人多作怪,.,)

43、Somewhere only we know 有一个地方只有我们知道

44、My happiness is you 我的悲喜都是你

45、One day someone will walk into your life, then you will realize that love was always worth waiting for. 当某天某个人走进你生命时,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。

46、who never had a scar of y

47、Because I like, so relucta

48、Do a bystander Not to have looked at enough 【做个旁观者 不为拥有 看着就够了】

49、you are my sun , but you are far. 你是我的太阳,但离我太远。

50、I dream about being with you forever

51、Can you just not miss me while I am still loving you? 趁我还爱你,你可不可以不要错过我?

52、You Are My Sunshine Boy 未情窦初开 却相濡以沫

53、Sometimes you must let it go , to see if there was anything worth holding on to. 有时候,你必须放手,才能明白是否它真的值得你拥有。

54、Cause I can feel you in me 因为我可以感觉到你在我心里

55、I think i'm sick

56、Life is full of sparkling moments waiting for us to discover. 生命中充满了闪光点,只是在等你去发现。

57、Through the youth of the summer, who also remembered what year? 走过青春的夏天,谁还记得曾是哪年?

58、Life is a on return journey. 人生是一段没有退路的旅程。

59、Love is hard to get into, but harder

60、My love ,I am only love you。


62、The wind blowing the hair is white. 风霜吹满头也算是白首

63、The garbage around you should not be merciful . 该清除身边的垃圾时就不应该留情。

64、even now there is still hope left.甚至到现在我还仍存希望

65、, love you forever!!! -- ,爱你一世!!!

66、There are something wrong with my head,so i love you.我的脑子有问题,所以我爱你。

67、The lazier a man is, the more things he will have to do tomorrow. 个人越懒,明天要做的事越多。

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