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发布时间:2023-09-17 08:08:33源自:http://www.hezenews.net作者:雨晴句子阅读(184)

1、If you love someone, set them free. 爱一个人,就是让他自由自在的做他自己。

2、We walked slowly, even happiness are worried. 我们走得很慢,连幸福都着急。

3、My mother said I felt I was tired of being tired of the time to leave 【vs】 妈妈说

4、Never put your happiness in someone else’s hands. 永远不要把自己的幸福放在别人的手里。

5、I don‘t want to much you and yourheart,is enought

6、Be strong enough to let go, and patient enough to wait for what you deserve. 足够坚强去放手,足够耐心去等待值得的。

7、Laugh Until You Cry; Cry Until You Laugh. 笑到终于哭出来;哭到终于笑出来。

8、Sometimes you have to be your own hero. ——有时候,你必须做自己的英雄。

9、Learn to be independent, to bid farewell to rely on the weakness of their own to say goodbye

10、No man cool call back yesterday. 时光流逝 不可复得。

11、有一种思念叫只关注不打扰。There is a miss call only concern not disturb

12、Far from eyes,far from heart. 【vs】 眼不见,心不念。

13、They say love is blind Oh baby you so blind .人们说爱是盲目的,但亲爱的,你真的是有够瞎。

14、After alcohol does not leave a hand more love freedom. 以后烟酒不离手 更热爱自由。

15、Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing. 有时候,什么也不说是最好的。

16、I wish I knew how to make this feeling stop.我真希望自己知道怎么样让这种感觉停止。

17、Go back to the things I had to pretend to be never had. 回不来的东西我只好假装从来没拥有过。

18、We are very good but not happened 我们都很好 只是时间不凑巧

19、Two kinds of attitudes that I fear mos,one is ambiguous, one is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. 我最害怕的两种态度,一种是暧昧不明,一种是忽冷忽热。

20、I just want you

21、Every man dies, not every man really lives. 每个人都要死,但不是每个人都真正活过。

22、I do not have angry of qualification (我连生气的资格都没有 )

23、He who seize the right moment, is the right man. -- Goethe 谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。 -- 歌德

24、True love is like a fine wine, the older the better. 真爱就像一瓶佳酿,越陈越香。

25、Time is like a net。You reap where you sow。时间就像一张网,你撒在哪里,收获就在哪里!

26、Beyond lies embrace you

27、In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different. 要想让自己无可替代,你必须总是与众不同。

28、Instead of asking for loyalty, let each other be free as soon as possible.与其隔空要求的忠诚,不如让彼

29、Sometimes, you have to accept this reality: some things can not return to the past. 有时候,你不得不接受这个现实:有些事情已回不到从前了。

30、Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you don't leave any regrets. Laugh or cry as you like, and it‘s meaningless to oppress yourself

31、A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. 一个人可以失败许多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪别人,他还不是一个失败者。

32、Let nature take its course. [顺其自然]

33、A dress is like a barbed fence It protects the premises without restricting the view 服饰就象铁丝网,它阻止你冒然行动但并不妨碍你尽情的观看。

34、He doesn't love me . (他不爱我)

35、I want to be your sun around you. 我想做你的太阳陪伴在你身旁。

36、I a person how to recall the sweet of two people. 我一个人怎么回忆两个人的甜蜜。

37、I remember past times, because I will not look at you and the future. 我怀旧,因为我看不到你和未来。

38、If deep will not be disappoint

39、I wish I love without injury a long life.祝我无爱无伤万

40、Any unhappy is a waste of time. 【vs】 --任何不快乐的时光都是浪费。

41、Is there

42、I am used to l

43、Let the time tell the truth

44、how are you ? how old are you? 怎么是你,怎么老是你?

45、I accept the fate. 我认命

46、We were just kids in love. 我们曾经只是陷入爱的孩子。

47、Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. ——昨天已经过去,明天还没到来。只有今天是一份礼物。

48、The attending doctor for my regards to you. 替我问候你主治大夫。

49、I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry

50、Sorry,All the period. 那一句对不起,全成了句点

51、You are my pretty sunshine

52、You can allow yourself to fall for a while, but not from the sink, you have dreams will continue tomorrow 你可以允许自己堕落一阵,但是不可以从此沉沦,你还有梦明天还是要继续。

53、I wait for you to come。

54、Disappear a memory. And leaving is unforgettable memories. 【vs】 消失的是记忆,而留下的才是刻骨铭心的回忆。

55、Back turned to the moment of fireworks 转身回头只为那一刹那烟火


57、Promise more, not to be, that is just a lie. 承诺再多,做不到,那也只不过还是谎言。

58、A hedge between keeps friendship green

59、Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you. 在这世上珍贵的东西总是比较罕有,所以这世上只有一个你。

60、Those that have gone won't come back againThose coming back are nolonger perfect. 已往的不再返来,返来的不再完美。

61、Everything will be ok in the end, if it's not ok, it's not the end. 所有的事情到最后都会好起来的,如果不够好,说明还没到最后。

62、May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。

63、Don't close to me know I love me and leave me 【不要接近我 熟悉我 心疼我 然后离开我】

64、a heart that loves is always young

65、"Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲。"


66、I want to try,but my pride told me not to. 我想哭泣,但我的骄傲不允许。

67、I love the way you laugh. I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away

68、A true friend is one soul in two bodies. 【vs】 好友之间如同两个躯体而只有一个灵魂。

69、The world is big, big but a heart; go far, far away but a dream. 世界再大,大不过一颗心;走得再远,远不过一场梦。

70、empty hearts everywhere 百无聊赖 无处不在

71、You And I Were Meant To Be. 你和我早已命中注定。

72、Get rid of your worries and make room for flowers 把烦心事丢掉腾出点地方装鲜花

73、I want to cry, but my pride told me not to 我想哭泣,可是我的骄傲告诉我不可以。

74、If love is just passing by, and why going on it. 如果爱情只是路过,又何必到此一游。

75、That love, not time, heals all wounds. 是爱,而不是时间,能够治愈一切伤痛。

76、di lusso che io non voglio fingere di tenerezza portata e l'amore. 我已不想去奢求那虚假的温柔和那遥

77、Why would i ever think of

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