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发布时间:2024-02-02 16:04:19源自:http://www.hezenews.net作者:雨晴句子阅读(189)

1、I wanna be with you whenever lightning strikes 无论电闪雷鸣我都会和你在一起。

2、A man in love, also like a woman lost his head

3、你的名字伴我生老病死. Your name with my life

4、Each youth will be old, but I hope that your memories have been good. 每段青春都会苍老,但我希望记忆里的你一直都好。

5、A day without sunshine is like night. 没有阳光的白日如同黑夜。

6、Sometimes you missee people, not because you are blind, but because you are kind. 有时候看错人,不是因为你瞎,而是因为你善良。

7、Love is not all luckily, all are not the love luckily. 幸好爱情不是一切,幸好一切都不是爱情。

8、No need to have a reason to love you、 Anything can be a reason not to love you、 喜欢你,不需要理由;不喜欢你,什么都可以成为理由。

9、We are very good but not happened. 我们都很好 只是时间不凑巧。

10、Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. 【vs】 并非地球引力使人坠入爱河。

11、I want to be reborn, love you again, will not love you so humbly.我想重生,再爱你一次,不会在这么卑


13、Love does not require you to be perfect, but it does require you to be forgiving. 爱情并不需要你处处完美,但需要你变得宽恕。

14、I always put you seriously as a kind of joke. Because I was afraid of losing nothing. 我总是把你们的认真当成一种玩笑。因为我害怕失去罢了。

15、I am not a princess, can not enjoy you love

16、I don't want to win. I just don't want to lose. 我不是想赢 我只是不想输。

17、The years of falling into the abyss of the sea,time and waiting are defeated and flee. 岁月坠入深渊之海,时光携等待落荒而逃。

18、In the very smallest cot there is room enough for a loving pair. 【vs】 哪怕是最小的茅舍,对一对恋人来说都有足够的空间。

19、I don't give a shit on your care the least about me. 我不在乎你对我的不在乎。

20、It was never a joke to poke a joke on a sore spot. 戳到痛处的玩笑 从来都不是玩笑

21、Life is measured by thought and action not by time

22、Delay is the deadliest form of denial. 拖延其实就是最彻底的拒绝。

23、Glass is fragile heart 杯子易碎人心可谓

24、Bad language than lie clean one thousand times 脏话比谎话干净一千倍

25、True love is like a fine wine, the older the better. 真爱就像一瓶佳酿,越陈越香。

26、There is always a time in life, full of fear, but in addition to the courage to face, we have no choice. 生命中总有那么一段时光,充满恐惧,可是除了勇敢面对,我们别无选择。

27、Love never dies. 【vs】 爱情永不死。

28、Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine. 无论去哪儿,什么天气,记得带上自己的阳光。

29、If my future has you in it, I'm not afraid of anything. 如果我的未来有你在,其他一切我都不怕了。

30、Every day is beautiful if you choose to see it. 如果你愿意去发现,其实每一天都很美!

31、☁ Don't hold the other person because of the cold. 不要因为冷 就去抱另一个人

32、I love you more each day as time goes by

33、Then I had a good time, but I just occasionally regretted not being accompanied by you. 后来我过的很好,只是偶尔遗憾没你陪伴。

34、Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them. (奇迹有时候是会发生的,但是你得为之拼

35、I keep myself busy with things to do, but every time I pause, I still think of you. 我让自己变得很忙,但是每次停下来,还是会想念你。

36、A lot of things that were reluctant to be deleted were finally deleted. 很多舍不得删掉的东西最后都删

37、If it is not me had changed appearance, but you had forgetten the time. 若不是我变了模样,便是你淡忘了时光。

38、In the story of your life, don’t let anybody else hold the pen. 不要让他人执笔,来书写你的生命故事。

39、If I become more apathy, please remember, once needs to accompany, you only said busy. 她将她的幸福许给他,他却将寂寞归还与她。从此,天涯海角,各不相望!

40、Without those good memories, wouldn't it be so painful. 如果没有那些美好的回忆,是不是就不会那么痛苦了。

41、Love is a luxury, as long as the heart is hard as iron, no one hurt me to be. 爱情是一种奢望,只要心坚硬如铁,谁都伤我不得。

42、Time tries all things. 时间检验一切

43、Even next second we didn't meet, on one second we will meet.(即使下一秒我们没有相遇,上一

44、One is easily fooled by that which one love. 【vs】 人容易被所爱的人愚弄。

45、Delay is the deadliest form of denial. 拖延其实就是最彻底的拒绝

46、you will never be able to see me. (你永远也看不懂我)

47、I never need you, don't need you then insincere words 我从来都不需要你,不需要你那假惺惺的话语

48、Fairy tale has ended, forgetting is happiness.童话已经结束,遗

49、Nothing has gonna change my love for you. 没有什么能改变我对你的爱。

50、Success is not difficulty, but rather who really did it. 成功不在难易,而在于谁真正去做了。

51、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet

52、Since know, why so sensational. 既然心知肚明,又何必句句煽情。

53、I'm just wild and young


55、I have passed your heart.not I don't want to stay.but you would not shelter. 我曾路过你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不肯收留。

56、I miss you. I miss you. I miss you (我遇见你我思念你我错过你)

57、When the memory on the bank. 当记忆涌上年代已久的堤岸。

58、I cannot waited your forever,but you be others sun. 等不到的地老天荒,你却成了别人的阳光。

59、I became a captive to her beauty. 我因她的美色而变成了俘虏。

60、Just don't give up, Russia are then buchibuqi. 【vs】 (只要不放弃,俄们便不离不弃)

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